Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Toilets in Korea

One word of advice for those of you that are deciding to go to Korea; bring toilet paper wherever you go unless you enjoy like I do finding interesting items to wipe with.  

One of the most enjoyable parts of my day is the wonder and anticipation that I feel when walking the fifty or so feet to the bathroom.  We have an incredible amount of artistic students sorry I guess I should say modern artists attending the Avalon school.  They are on the cutting edge and the guile shown in their art is literally breathtaking.  The reason being that the children like animals use their own feces to portray their visions.  Some pieces are more abstract than others, and some I feel that the children are using scent to display their ingenious message.  Sometimes it is as though the entire stall was a dedication to the sistine chapel itself, other times....well other times it just looks like shit.  I don't remember using my finger as a paint brush and my poop as paint but then again I was never that good of an artist.  

One other information about bathrooms in Korea while we are at it.  The women's bathrooms happen to have a phallic bar of soap sitting by the sink in every bathroom.  The shaft of soap so to speak is very elegantly placed on a metal bar and requires the women to use numerous "grips" to acquire it.   So walking by the women's bathroom can sometimes be quite erotic when you see them fighting over a single shaft and each of them is heaving and tugging until their hands are filled with the substance that they desire.  I took a picture of a brand new one so it doesn't give quite the effect but it is hard for a man to take a picture in the women's bathroom.  Trust me though, within a week that poor baby will be "jerked" into a beautiful penis.  I guess the men in Korea figured it was what women ideally wanted in a soap and also maybe they thought that some women could use some practice.  

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