Saturday, October 3, 2009


October 2nd

It's Chuseok weekend here which means a beautiful three day weekend.  Chuseok is a holiday where they mutate every regular fruit and vegetable with the exact same ooze from the second ninja turtles movie.  They either do that or use radiation like they did to create Godzilla.  Quick little tangent...Did you ever notice that everything was huge in the prehistoric days.  Their were woolly mammoths instead of elephants, mega sharks instead of great whites (about ten times the size), teridactyls instead of hawks, and so on...ok now what Im wondering is since everything living was enormous does that mean that there were strawberries the size of basketballs and grapes the size of baseballs.  I would like to think so but luckily my thoughts have been put to rest by seeing the freakishly large mutations of apples, pears, and grapes during Chuseok.  It is possible giant fruit exists in Korea....Anyways I think it is kind of like our thanksgiving holiday but way earlier.  So I went out the night before to another foreign bar and watched the sunrise in the morning.  I was surprised by how many irish, scottish, and british their were at all of the bars.  What wasn't surprising was how hammered they all were.  I can honestly say that I have never made so many alcoholic friends in one night.  I swear in Korea everyone is always drinking...I could seriously see a Sobers Anonymous meeting take place here where people sit around in a circle and say how they folded to pressure and stayed sober for a day.  Drinking is a societal norm in this country.  I found myself being twenty seven years old and staying up till ten in the morning and wondering how in the hell it happened.  I felt bad but then I asked the people that stayed up with me how old they were and I was the youngest of them all and it cheered me up a bit.  I am not going to make partying a trend because you can really waste your journey if you get to involved with any of these lonely crowds.  They try and drag you into their domain because misery loves company....but hey I just got here so staying up all night when you first arrive is alright from my standpoint.  Hike is tomorrow I will post on it.

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